A PDM System that Can Grow to PLM is a Good Start

A PDM System that Can Grow to PLM is a Good Start

A product data management (PDM) system enables you to manage all of your product and process-related knowledge in a single secure but accessible system that connects people and applications across your business. With a PDM system in place, product information assets can be coordinated and synchronized, enabling your business to:

  • Improve productivity and reduce cycle time
  • Reduce development errors and costs
  • Facilitate collaboration with anyone, anywhere
  • Improve value chain orchestration
  • Provide greater visibility to make better business decisions

To deliver these advantages, you need a PDM system that can support your business-specific needs. At its foundation, a PDM system must be able to provide the fundamentals of:

  • Secure data management
  • Process enablement
  • Bill-of-materials (BOM) and configuration management

Choosing the right PDM software gives your business a solid foundation that can easily be extended as your needs grow to product lifecycle management (PLM). Learn more by reading this free PDM software white paper: “Getting started with product data management” for a greater understanding of the key capabilities and benefits to look for in a PDM system.

Please take a look at our Teamcenter software that meets the needs of businesses of all sizes, from PDM to PLM, using any mechanical or electronic design tool. See how easy it is to use Teamcenter from any web browser or inside your CAD tool of choice. Read why Teamcenter Rapid Start is the right choice for Powerex, offering quick one-week, on-premise delivery.

Want to experience Teamcenter for yourself? Take a free, 30-day test drive with our Teamcenter X free trial — experience the simplicity of cloud SaaS delivery of the solution that’s right for you, from PDM to PLM.

Disclaimer: I am the author at PLM ECOSYSTEM, focusing on developing digital-thread platforms with capabilities across CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, and IT systems to manage the product data lifecycle and connect various industry networks. My opinions may be biased. Articles and thoughts on PLMES represent solely the author's views and not necessarily those of the company. Reviews and mentions do not imply endorsement or recommendations for purchase.

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