This is where you should answer the most common questions prospective customers might have. It’s a good idea to cover things like your return policy, product warranty info, shipping and returns, etc. Check out the FAQ's examples below.
  • Q. Can we choose to implement only one module PLM? If so, can we add another module PLM in the future?
    Our out-of-the-box PLM solutions are perfectly scalable. You can absolutely decide to implement a single software module at first and choose to expand its scope afterward. At the qualification step, before selling you anything, our experts help you specify your needs to accurately define what modules and features should be implemented and suggest a project phasing to match your means and limitations. Only our “Core” module is mandatory and can’t be left aside as all specification management relies on it
  • Q. We saw customer references and we are not comparable to their size. How could such a complete PLM solution be profitable to us?
    Many of our current clients have been working with us for a long time, collaboration starting back when we tailored our PLM solution for each customer. Through years of hard work and numerous implementation projects, we built robust expertise on the very segment of “processed products with a critical time to market.” This enabled us to define the functional scope of our PLM solution entirely. We designed them to answer different levels of NPD-related needs so every kind of company can access it, from the medium-sized private brand to the international subcontractor manufacturer. Whatever your size and needs are, we have a solution for you!
  • Q. Our last IT project showed major difficulties the scope of the solution was oversized, and the provider did not understand our challenges. How is that going to be different with PLMES?
    We consider the qualification phase as critical at PLMES. It starts the first time we get in contact and lasts till the contract is signed. Every Sales representative is paired with a Pre-sales engineer Solution expert. This ensures all your tangible requirements ( timeline, available internal human resources, etc. and business challenges (specification management, product formulation, regulatory compliance approval processes, etc. are gathered and specified. This is a warranty for you to get a perfectly fitting solution and keep the project profitable. Because a poorly prepared project always ends up dissatisfying everyone
  • Q. We do not have much bandwidth on our side. Can you help us with project management?
    Our team is prepared to provide you with a specialized Project manager to help you seamlessly navigate the PLM waters. Having a single source of contact on both sides guarantees smooth sailing Our team will help you prepare for the working sessions, gather documents, and create processes with your team by using our templates and guidelines Most of the information needed is also taken from a discovery training session on-site that we prepare and execute.We are ready to create timelines for you and keep track of the pending items of the project. The road for implementing the solution is our responsibility, and we keep track of our projects every week. You will have a dedicated resource for your weekly meetings, which will act as your sponsor for the entire project.Note that you will have your share of the workload in the collaboration. A PLM project can not be successful with unilateral efforts.
  • Q. Our teams have shown difficulties getting used to new tools. How is that going to be different with yours?
    We understand how any change can impact teams and projects. We prepare ourselves with different and customized strategies to make the transition easier for our clients. We like to get to know your teams, your struggles, and your strengths, after which we tailor a training agenda that suits your organization. Also, our trainers are highly experienced and can switch gears whenever needed to tailor your needs during training sessions.Our software solution takes user acceptance, and our teams do their best to improve it with every release. We understand the importance of the “look and feel” of the application to make it more natural for your users. We have an entire internal department working every day to find opportunities within our software to improve.
  • Q. We see this PLM project as an opportunity to improve our processes and practices. How can you help us with that?
    Our Project managers are true industry experts. They’re not your classical introvert nerd spending their whole day hard coding in a dark cubicle. They talk with their clients on a weekly or daily basis. They go on-site, share their experience and knowledge, and work as an integrated team. Everyone works to expand and consolidate PLMES’s insights on the food and beverage industry from our marketing managers, pre-sales engineers, and project managers. That is what we bring to any new project we commit to.
  • Q. We have very specific ways of doing things. How can your solution suit our requirements and processes?
    Teamcenter Cloud is a standard solution offering out-of-the-box functionalities. One of its strengths is the advanced flexibility of these features. TeamcenterX is highly configurable, allowing us to adapt to your processes and expectations without any need for customization, i.e., coding or modification of the core solution.
  • Q. Our data is highly sensitive and strategic. How do you guarantee its safety?
    PLM Ecosystem has been a long-time partner of Microsoft, and we securely host our clients’ databases on Microsoft Azure, one of the most widely used and trusted environments. Our cloud-based solution is compliant with the HTTPS standard, SQL servers, IIS servers, and COM components security settings.We built a multi-level security infrastructure to allow and forbid access to data and functionalities properly. This is strengthened by our internal user management rules, password-protected access, and the connection through an internal active directory.Finally, while this may sound trivial, our solution runs on the latest internet browsers, guaranteeing tighter security with every new version.
  • Q. Is your solution a cloud solution?
    Our PLM solution is cloud-based, meaning that the data is hosted on an online server, every operation is made through your internet browser, and you do not need to have anything physically installed on your computer. Our solution is still available “on-premise,” though if privately hosting your data is one of your requirements.Choosing a cloud-based solution also makes scaling up easier, which is highly beneficial for modular functional scopes. Our clients can initially pick the “ and “Product development.” then decide months later to upgrade with the “ and “ modules without any physical IT intervention. This remains true for software updates while a physical update has to be made on your servers, often coming with an additional update cost with on-premise solutions, clients choosing SaaS automatically enjoy the latest version of their software.
  • Q. How is the solution implemented?
     PLM Ecosystem’s implements its PLM solution using a hybrid method, “Waterfall Agile,” to benefit from both practices:
    • Waterfall helps better define the project’s scope and guidelines regarding schedule, costs, SOW (Statement Of Work), and deliverables.
    • Agile helps collaboratively lead the implementation, fostering quick iterations and thus quickly delivering a solution compliant with the customer’s expectations.
  • Q. How long does the implementation take?
    Implementation time varies depending on the modules purchased by the customer and on the implementation complexity, based on the customer’s processes and requirements. It usually ranges from 3 to 12 months. However, we phase projects to start delivering operational features in the first months.
  • Q. How do we get our data uploaded in the system?
    We have several ways of importing data to Teamcenter.Standard import of text or Excel files
    • The customer has to provide data properly formatted for predefined templates.
    • Allows loading files directly to Teamcenter’s interface, synchronously or asynchronously.
    Specific import of Excel files
    • Required when the customer’s data structure is more complex and when specific rules are needed to create or update data in the system.
    Other data
    • Any parsable data can be uploaded to the system. Parsable means the data’s structure allows it to be mapped to a database CSV and XML are examples of parsable data.
    • We can’t directly use pdf or Docx ( files as data import sources as they only contain textual data without schema structure.
    • Specific data import requirements always mean additional work for our teams to assimilate your distinct processes and map your data to Teamcenter’s data model and implement these specific rules if necessary.
    • Specific data imports can be done manually, automatically, periodically, or on specific user actions in the system.
  • Q. We are currently implementing a new ERP system. Should we lead our PLM project at the same time or prioritize?
    Your business priorities directly dictate the priority between PLM and ERP projects. If the two projects have to be led simultaneously, we always recommend paying attention to your team members’ availability. Ensure that people have enough time to duly take on their assigned tasks and properly follow up on both the PLM and ERP projects.
  • Q. Can you interface your PLM with our ERP?
     Yes, we can interface our PLM with your ERP. We provide different levels of interface complexity and flexibility.We provide a simple interface based on our standard Mass Data Exchange (MDE) module, based on:
    • an output XML file used to export from Teamcenter to the ERP
    • an input XML file used to import data from the ERP to Teamcenter
    Additional specific work can be done to convert the XML file to a format directly pulled from the ERP or pushed into the ERP, such as CSV. This solution is generic and can be applied to any ERP as long as the mapping, transfer, and trigger rules are properly defined.We can also provide a more complex interface directly inside your Teamcenter application as a custom button calling specific web services. This solution also requires additional work to define web services rules and map and synchronize data with your ERP solution. It’s not generic as web services implementation will depend on the ERP system you have, but it will give more flexibility and user control to manage transfers.

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