High Tech

High-tech products are complex, containing mechanical, electronic, and software intellectual property. As a result, there is an increasing need for inter-enterprise and intra-enterprise collaboration. High Tech products demand, collaboration needs to be near-real time. However, in many cases, the engineers making critical decisions work in different parts of the world, and often for different members of the value chain. PLMES PLM Software provides a rich, collaborative environment for real-time global design and manufacture, enabling you to:

  • Leverage capabilities of globally dispersed teams.
  • Maintain a “single version of the truth.”
  • More quickly refine product concepts & designs.
  • Reduce time, travel, and errors.
  • Responds quickly to changing market conditions
  • Accelerates time to market
  • Drives Innovation
  • Streamlines new product development

PLMES PLM solutions enable you to accelerate innovation, optimize resources, ensure quality, and compress your products’ time to market. Every Company’s bottom line improves as you deliver the products your customers want when they want them.


How PLMES deliver business value to the High-Tech industry

The Hi-Tech industry has been fronting with intense competition, continuous product innovation and compliance adherence. The industry is making a move to integrate products with support services to create new and long-term revenue streams. The focus on developing smarter machines that talk to each other, further impacted by the nexus of Social, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud Computing (SMAC) technologies, is redefining the way Hi-Tech players are doing business.

PLMES has significant domain expertise across high-tech segments like semiconductors, telecom original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), consumer electronics, high-tech distributors and software vendors. This will helps High-Tech Industries with changing business models and addressing need enablement for new geographies.

What PLMES Offers?

Our solutions address the various challenges faced by high tech industry and accelerate realization across the product lifecycle. Depending on the lifecycle stage, we enable our customers to achieve their objectives spanning assessment and optimization, to planning and improvement.

From conceptualization to product sustenance, PLMES provides a globally available and scalable platform to help clients focus on increasing their product output. With it fortified best engineering talent pools in the world, we ensure high levels of efficiency through our product engineering services and on-time delivery. We have leveraged our extensive knowledge of the high tech industry to create process specific solution. We offer proven solution and implementation expertise using the new Quick PLM 2.0 solutions


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Disclaimer: I am the author at PLM ECOSYSTEM, focusing on developing digital-thread platforms with capabilities across CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, and IT systems to manage the product data lifecycle and connect various industry networks. My opinions may be biased. Articles and thoughts on PLMES represent solely the author's views and not necessarily those of the company. Reviews and mentions do not imply endorsement or recommendations for purchase.