PLM SaaS solutions transform machine building

PLM for SolidWorks -Teamcenter at Bladon MT | Teamcenter

Why use Teamcenter PLM for SolidWorks?

Bladon Micro Turbine’s team of 10 SolidWorks designers was using product data management (PDM) and looking to upgrade. This pioneer in the design, development, and manufacture of micro turbines chose Teamcenter to manage SolidWorks data and processes.

“The core reason for Teamcenter was its quick, out-of-the-box solution … and the initial focus was to replace our PDM system with a PLM system that can grow.”

Thomas Chainiau, Mechanical Design Engineer, Bladon MT

See why the best PLM for SolidWorks is best for your design team! Watch these videos to see how easy it is to access and use Teamcenter! Experience cloud software-as-a-service (SaaS) PLM with the Teamcenter X free trial, an option for SolidWorks customers to get instant-on PLM! 

“We wanted to introduce lifecycle control with Teamcenter. We already had quite well developed engineering change control processes, but they were run outside of PDM. Now we have lifecycle and process flow as part of the integrated PLM tool.”

Neil Robson, Chief Engineer and Head of Engineering, Bladon MT

Read this Bladon MT infographic to see how the upgrade to Teamcenter PLM for SolidWorks made it easier for people at Bladon MT to find, share and reuse product information, improving bill of material (BOM) management and change processes.

PLM for SolidWorks -Teamcenter at Bladon MT | Teamcenter
PLM for SolidWorks -Teamcenter at Bladon MT | Teamcenter

See why Bladon MT chose a preconfigured, fast delivery option for Teamcenter. They got into production quickly with PLM that can grow as they grow … that’s easy to manage and maintain.

“I’m a mechanical design engineer, and I’m also responsible for deploying Teamcenter. The actual deployment is almost non-existent because all users have web browser access … before we had to deploy to each user. The infrastructure side is very easy to manage.”

Thomas Chainiau, Mechanical Design Engineer, Bladon MT

With Teamcenter you have preconfigured options for delivery, from PDM to PLM, so you can get up and running in the way that’s best for your business. Learn how Teamcenter can be delivered quickly and cost-effectively for companies of all sizes, whether you choose cloud software-as-a-service (SaaS) with Teamcenter X or on-premise delivery with Teamcenter Rapid Start.

This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at

Disclaimer: I am the author at PLM ECOSYSTEM, focusing on developing digital-thread platforms with capabilities across CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, and IT systems to manage the product data lifecycle and connect various industry networks. My opinions may be biased. Articles and thoughts on PLMES represent solely the author's views and not necessarily those of the company. Reviews and mentions do not imply endorsement or recommendations for purchase.

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