Siemens Teamcenter Product Cost Management 900x472 1

What’s new in Teamcenter Product Cost Management?

Manufacturing companies struggle to make trade-off decisions between driving down greenhouse gas emissions, reducing product costs, and addressing customer value demands.

Our fully integrated solution Teamcenter Product Cost Management identifies carbon footprint drivers down to the product feature level and links them with corresponding costs. This helps to balance emissions with cost impact across the entire product portfolio.

To support manufacturing companies, we keep expanding our capabilities with every new version, making it possible for our customers to fully benefit from the latest innovations.

Calculate the Product Carbon Footprint cradle-to-gate

In Teamcenter Product Cost Management version 9.4 we extended the Product Carbon Footprint Calculator covering all available manufacturing steps and enabled the usage of overhead rates. Now, you can calculate the Product Carbon Footprint cradle-to-gate, including direct emissions from production (scope 1), indirect emissions from energy purchased for the production (scope 2) and indirect emissions from upstream stages of the supply chain (scope 3, upstream). Overheads for carbon footprint like overall plant emissions, transportation and packaging can be added to your calculation. Values for manufacturing and set-up scrap as well as the material scrap can be considered while calculating the carbon footprint.

Product Carbon Footprint calculation with Teamcenter Product Cost Management
Connecting product costs and product carbon footprint factors

Gain agility to accelerate product cost quotation processes by using an intelligent cloud-based sharing platform

How do you exchange cost quotation information with your OEM? Or how do you receive feedback on cost breakdowns from your suppliers? Communicating by e-mail or using file sharing tools can prevent the seamless exchange of cost information and limit productivity.

Teamcenter Product Cost Management for Xcelerator Share extends your costing environment through a connected cloud-based service for fast, ad-hoc collaboration for all stakeholders. It provides seamless application integration, secure data access, and supports simple and effective teamwork.

Teamcenter Product Cost Management for Xcelerator Share
Sharing all project relevant data like PDFs, 2D drawings, quotes with suppliers, customers, and partners

What are the main benefits of using Xcelerator Share within cost quotation workflows?

Customers can significantly accelerate the quotation process, as the functionality to share cost breakdowns is directly embedded in Teamcenter Product Cost Management. This means quotes are delivered withing minutes.

Collaboration is secured, hence confidential data does not need to be sent via e-mail. Access to the files is based on permission, that can be granted or revoked any time.

Data consistency is secured, so customers and their suppliers can always have a look, whether they are working on most recent cost breakdowns, 3D models and other information sources such as PDFs.

The collaboration becomes easy as Xcelerator Share offers real-time views of cost breakdowns, 3D data and PDF annotations and works on all devices.

Maximize the value of Should Costing with updated reference data

The ability to generate accurate, timely manufacturing cost models is an essential foundation for setting accurate cost targets needed to maximize the value of Should Costing. We continuously deliver new and updated reference data to support our customers in modeling should costs for purchased parts.

With version 9.4 we provide the latest material prices for 10,000 ferrous, non-ferrous, and plastic materials. Besides the material prices, the knowledge of overhead rates in your business is an important factor for an accurate and meaningful cost calculation. With version 9.4 we provide overhead rates for material, residual manufacturing, sales and general administration and research and development costs, for 60 countries, 5 different industries and 5 different turnovers.

We continuously extend our machine database, add new machine classifications, and replace outdated machines to always provide you with up-to-date technologies. With version 9.4 we deliver 139 new machines for the regions Europe, Asia Pacific, and Americas in a variety of new classifications like automated guided vehicles and sintering furnaces for batch or continuous production.

Precise quotes by visualizing and reporting parameters and results during multi-year lifetime calculation

To support customers in their quotation calculations and profitability tracking process within the new product development phase, we added the capability to visualize results for a specific period of the multi-year lifetime calculation.

Teamcenter Product Cost Management - Profitability Analysis
Increasing cost transparency by showing the result of the lifetime calculation in the part calculation

With version 9.4, you have the possibility to open the bill of materials (BOMs) and bill of processes (BOPs) for individual years, hence you can understand the impact of project assumptions per year on the lifetime calculation. For example, you can now understand how the project assumptions for a specific year influence the machine costs in a dedicated manufacturing step. In addition, you can report BOMs and BOPs plus the respective project assumptions for every individual year.

Strip layout recognition with NX Feature2Cost for Tool Costing

We added a new feature for NX Feature2Cost that automatically identifies the features and station information of a die strip design. The new strip layout recognition detects detailed strip information which can be imported and used in Tool Costing to calculate the cost of your progressive die. This improvement will reduce your tool cost calculation time substantially.

What’s new in Teamcenter Product Cost Management?
What’s new in Teamcenter Product Cost Management?
Strip layout recognition

Tool cost quotation enhancements with NX Mold Connect

To address challenges of streamlining the bidding process and enhancing collaboration between the stakeholders in the tooling industry, the team at Siemens Digital Industry Software has developed a browser-based app to modernize the injection mold development workflow.

NX Mold Connect provides a faster way to collaborate on injection molded parts. The browser-based app lets part designers and tool shops:

  • Examine the 3D geometry, add mark-ups, and share over a secure, cloud-based hub
  • Perform Design for Manufacturability checks to ensure part quality
  • Speed-up the request-for-quotation process with automated feature recognition for cost estimation

To speed up your tool cost calculation process the new cloud-native application NX Mold Connect for Tool Costing was extended with the capability to create and reuse tool cost calculation templates.

Teamcenter Tool Costing NX Mold Connect
Creating a new tool cost calculation by selecting a template

When creating a new tool cost calculation, you will always start with selecting a template. The functional structure, including rates, units and currency of your selected template will be applied to your current calculation. The features, such as: ribs, sliders and undercuts from the feature recognition will also be automatically added to your calculation. After these initial steps, the calculation can be adapted – if necessary, stored as a new template, and reuse for calculations where a tool with similar functional structure needs to be calculated. It is also possible to export a calculation to a spreadsheet and the functional structure will be shown in a similar layout like in the application.

NX Mold Connect requires no installation and can be run on any device.

The Early Access Program for NX Mold Connect is where you can get hands-on with the app to test it with your product development workflows and share your feedback with us via the NX Mold Connect community.

Further new and extended capabilities in Teamcenter Product Cost Management

Teamcenter Product Cost Management 9.4 includes further new and extended capabilities to support improved usability and increased performance, such faster opening of part calculations, ability to open manufacturing steps and sub objects from explorer, access price component master data from calculation and much more.

What’s new in NLPP – Non-linear performance pricing

Finally, we extended the NLPP top-down analysis solution with the Quick Pricing Tool – Generator which is an export option that generates an interactive web page from any NLPP analysis making the results accessible for everyone in our customers organization.

Interested in more Teamcenter Product Cost Management details?

Learn more about Teamcenter Product Cost Management version 9.4 and check out the other product cost management blogs.

Disclaimer: I am the author at PLM ECOSYSTEM, focusing on developing digital-thread platforms with capabilities across CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, and IT systems to manage the product data lifecycle and connect various industry networks. My opinions may be biased. Articles and thoughts on PLMES represent solely the author's views and not necessarily those of the company. Reviews and mentions do not imply endorsement or recommendations for purchase.

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