Tính năng mới trong STAR-CCM+: Sức Mạnh của Web Viewer và Cấu Trúc Mô Phỏng

View CFD simulation results in web browser | Simcenter

With the release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2022.1, you can now view and present your CFD results in a web browser. But first things first. Flashback to before the release…

You have been here before, haven’t you?

Set off to solve a complex real-world design problem using multi-physics simulation. Built the geometry model, meshed it, set up the physics, ran the simulation for hours (or may be few days…). And out comes your forecast! Your ground-breaking results (at least you thought so?). Next, you spent an hour collating all your images and plots in a deck of slides and sent your views to your stakeholders, hoping to influence the final design decision with your latest insight. But then comes the voice from your receiver…

View CFD simulation results in web browser
View CFD simulation results in web browser

“We don’t agree with your point of view

Sans titre 10

“The data don’t strongly support your conclusion”

Sans titre 7

“Can you provide more evidence, please?”

The purpose of your CFD simulation was to shed light on the complex phenomena that control the behavior of design under investigation. And sharing your insightful 3D results using 2D images/animations limited you in terms of their effectiveness. Basically, you gave your receiver the task to connect the dots. However, this receiver doesn’t necessarily have the technical background, although the high influence on the decision-making table.

Hold to the now, the here, through which all future plunges to the past.

James Joyce

You don’t want the ‘now’ to slip away to an irrelevant past. Is there a better way to impact your receiver with your intent? How about at no additional cost and effort to you or your receiver?

Arise, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Web Viewer! Let your stakeholders easily view CFD simulation results in web browser.

Share your simulation results on any device, anytime, anywhere without a license

Boost collaboration, at no cost - View CFD results in web

Boost collaboration, at no cost

A license-free standalone web application, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Web Viewer helps you share your viewpoint more effectively. Your receivers can interactively visualize three-dimensional scenes and plots created in Simcenter STAR-CCM+. This enables easier sharing of multiple viewpoints and boosts collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders who don’t necessarily have simulation backgrounds.


Gain productivity, at no effort

Now, maybe thinking about it you wonder where and how do I get it working on my device? Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Web Viewer can be launched right here in your web browser by simply going to the URL.
Hence, no more downloading, installing, or following IT for setup processes. Imagine saving yourself or your receivers all that effort. Quick and easy to use, whenever you need to show, rather than tell.


CFD results accessible 24/7, anywhere

Imagine you are at a conference. And you happen to meet the engineering director of your client. You want to pitch this new design, its superior performance, and hopefully get a new order. Stuck with 2D images and too many words, feel like you are unable to make most of that ‘now’?

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Web Viewer allows you to take and show your results anywhere 24/7. Just open the browser, load your results and drive the now of your business.

Stay updated and secure - CFD results in web

Stay updated and secure, always

With desktop-based applications, there are no two ways about it – you have to download and install updates on a regular basis. With Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Web Viewer, you always get the stable version and latest features whenever you open it in the browser. Therefore, no more tracking, updating, and worrying about compatibility. Just more focus on your results.

“And what about data security?”

I hear you ask. Well, your Scene files are rendered locally in the browser and are not uploaded to the webserver at any stage in the process.

OK, enough telling. Seeing is believing, right? In brief, view CFD simulation results in the web browser!

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Disclaimer: I am the author at PLM ECOSYSTEM, focusing on developing digital-thread platforms with capabilities across CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, and IT systems to manage the product data lifecycle and connect various industry networks. My opinions may be biased. Articles and thoughts on PLMES represent solely the author's views and not necessarily those of the company. Reviews and mentions do not imply endorsement or recommendations for purchase.

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