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Stop wasting resources with better traceability during product development

Designers working with engineers to establish product definition in new product development.

As competition in the automotive industry intensifies, automakers are looking for ways to ensure they stand out from their competitors. To do that, they must innovate, but following the industry trends, in particular vehicle automation and electrification, has massively increased product complexity.

Not only that, customer demands for more personalized and sustainable vehicles mean that companies must change their business models and adapt or risk losing market share.

What you need is to drive faster and more cost-effective innovation.

However, traditional product development makes this almost unattainable. Manufacturers rely on different tools for design, testing, and manufacturing. Documentation remains in silos, complicating managing performance targets and requirements, and communication is often slow and unreliable. It can be challenging to know if teams are working with the most recent and relevant information or wasting time on obsolete requirements with multiple data sources.

So, is it possible to improve the product definition phase, to create a comprehensive data trail that streamlines communication and increases traceability so that you really can do more with less?

Siemens’ Accelerated Product Development (APD) is an open engineering platform, a state-of-the-art end-to-end data management system. Its digital thread offers a single source of truth for all stakeholders, seamlessly linking the entire product ecosystem in real-time to ensure everyone is sharing and working with the latest data and providing complete traceability and auditability.

Improve the product definition phase by ensuring the right tests are carried out, the right parts are used, and the right requirements are followed. This will dramatically cut costly rework and wasted time, effort, and resources to accelerate your product development.

We have produced a short, animated video to give you an overview of how Siemens APD can help you improve product definition to enable you to unleash the next generation of vehicles and stay ahead of the competition.

Disclaimer: I am the author at PLM ECOSYSTEM, focusing on developing digital-thread platforms with capabilities across CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, and IT systems to manage the product data lifecycle and connect various industry networks. My opinions may be biased. Articles and thoughts on PLMES represent solely the author's views and not necessarily those of the company. Reviews and mentions do not imply endorsement or recommendations for purchase.

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