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Environmental compliance in semiconductor lifecycle management with PLM

Now more than ever, environmental compliance management, verification, and sustainability are essential to the lifecycle of any semiconductor device. But semiconductor manufacturers in particular face many challenges in meeting their compliance and sustainability goals. They need complete visibility into the product makeup to succeed, including material and substance data. Also, the painstaking task of following up with suppliers and partners to obtain accurate supplier declaration data is a significant part of the challenge.

Fortunately, there is a digital solution that can make environmental compliance easier.

How PLM Will Expand Into Electronics and Semiconductor Design
How PLM Will Expand Into Electronics and Semiconductor Design

Designing out substances of concern

In the end, efficient compliance management is far more attainable with a product lifecycle management (PLM) system. When used as an enterprise solution across the entire product ecosystem, PLM extends beyond basic PDM to tie all lifecycle management processes into one integrated data model. It provides semiconductor companies with the answer to their substance compliance and sustainability needs. And by allowing them to identify efficiently, report, and design out substances of concern, they reduce redundancy and streamline the process of gathering supplier material declaration data and traceability.

These are the most significant features needed to help manufacturers achieve their goals while focusing on the core business of manufacturing:
• A comprehensive approach to managing interactions with suppliers
• Automation of the process of requesting, capturing, and validating supplier data to eliminate errors and reduce cycle times
• Support of industry standards such as IPC-175x and CMRT, enabling you to read in supplier declarations efficiently
• Integration with BOMcheck and IMDS supplier databases to quickly gather clean, validated declaration data
• Automatically update every new design standard or new specification, so the system tracks these change

Semiconductor environmental compliance with product lifecycle management (PLM)

With these fully integrated PLM capabilities, semiconductor companies can easily capture and validate supplier declarations and automatically aggregate materials into the product BOM to grade for compliance. It’s quite an advantage to be able to efficiently address today’s stricter environmental requirements and stay compliant. It’s also a relief to know that the days of following up with suppliers in a painstaking effort to obtain accurate supplier declaration data are over.

For a closer look at the environmental edge provided by Siemens product lifecycle management software, take a look at the infographic below.

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Disclaimer: I am the author at PLM ECOSYSTEM, focusing on developing digital-thread platforms with capabilities across CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, and IT systems to manage the product data lifecycle and connect various industry networks. My opinions may be biased. Articles and thoughts on PLMES represent solely the author's views and not necessarily those of the company. Reviews and mentions do not imply endorsement or recommendations for purchase.

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