RA what is new 14 0 1 Teamcenter integration 1024x486 1

RapidAuthor 14.0.1 for Teamcenter is now available for technical documentation authoring from Teamcenter and CAD source data. Authoring, illustrating, managing and publishing technical documentation is easier than ever.

New parametric objects in the RapidAuthor gallery include a flat cable, plugs, a bolt, a nut, and several other objects. Use them to illustrator and animate common operations in assembling, maintenance, and repair instructions.

What's New in RapidAuthor 14.0.1
What’s New in RapidAuthor 14.0.1

Animating cable connections or plug installations are now much easier than before.

S1000D authors can validate data modules for compliance against BREX requirements. You can create and update service data modules from the Service bill of materials. And, you can publish documents consisting of several S1000D modules in both PDF and HTML formats.

Edit DITA maps using RapidAuthor from Teamcenter rich client or Active Workspace integration.

Teamcenter RapidAuthor 14.0.1
Modify your session information when you work with RapidAuthor content in Active Workspace

The 2D Image Editor has a powerful new Pen tool for creating Bezier curves.

Styles are updated and divided into four groups: stroke, fill, text and complex styles. You can assign a style to all selected objects simultaneously, instead of editing each object separately. Then you can link styles in pairs and then quickly switch between them. For example, between thin and thick lines or custom colors. Automatically create raster images with realistic shading from 3D models, with support for DirectX 11 and ambient occlusion.

These and other interface and performance improvements have been added based on input from RapidAuthor users. Project administration, video recording, update procedures, 3D object operations, and data import also have updates.

Want to learn more about creating technical documentation with RapidAuthor?

Check out the most recent webinar, presenting new technical publications authoring and illustrating capabilities in RapidAuthor for Teamcenter 14.0.1.

Disclaimer: I am the author at PLM ECOSYSTEM, focusing on developing digital-thread platforms with capabilities across CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, and IT systems to manage the product data lifecycle and connect various industry networks. My opinions may be biased. Articles and thoughts on PLMES represent solely the author's views and not necessarily those of the company. Reviews and mentions do not imply endorsement or recommendations for purchase.

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