Visualization mockups are dealing with increased technical complexities and tight packaging requirements.

Visualization mockups are dealing with increased technical complexities and tight packaging requirements.

Fully configured products with an assumed amount of 10,000 components will consist of roughly 50 million unique part pairs (n squared/2) with possible clashes. Assuming a human can examine 1 part-pair per second, it would take more than 500 days to complete the analysis. This estimate makes it clear – validating a product will fit – requires a sophisticated, fast, reliable, and configurable clash analysis tool that allows users to focus only on relevant and important interference issues.

Teamcenter visualization mockup provides such extensive capabilities and helps customers to create high-quality products.

Teamcenter Visualization Mockup

Within the visualization mockup tool, clearance analysis allows users to perform static or dynamic clearance analysis in a high performant manner. Detecting interference issues early is key to improve product quality and avoid potential design updates late in the product development process.

Visualization Mockup

The clearance analysis capabilities in Teamcenter Visualization provide a rich set of tools and features to tailor the actual calculation to their specific needs. Users can:

  • Adjust the calculation scope by viewing or selecting components or simply using the entire loaded product.
  • Define clearance calculation granularity by defining whether to use leaf components, part components, or end items.
  • Distinguish between contacts and penetrations by defining contact tolerance.
  • Choose to use precise data if available; this will be more accurate but as well slower.
  • Define a global clearance value.
  • Define a variety of rules and conditions with specific clearance requirements.
  • Define exclusion rules to exclude components from the clearance calculation.

After the actual clearance calculation, the results are displayed in the clearance results list. From there users can:

  • Evaluate each identified part pair.
  • Search, filter, or group results by various means.
  • Walk through the results list by using keyboard arrow keys.
  • Disposition each clearance incident and, as an example, assign them to a user or mark them as important.

If you evaluate a part pair, it is important to identify the issue area fast. Hence, we can adjust the interference area in a lot of different and configurable ways. Examples are included below:

  • Visualization Mockup 3
    Shows interference volume, penetration vector, penetration/contact points
  • Visualization Mockup 4
    Automatically add sections (clipped or unclipped)
  • Visualization Mockup 5
    Shows measurement
  • Visualization Mockup 6
    Displays a bounding box around the interference area
  • Visualization Mockup 7
    Adjusts part display
  • Visualization Mockup 8
    Shows all penetration regions (if more than one exists)

The clearance capabilities found in Teamcenter Visualization Mockup will help find potential interference issues early in the product development cycle and improve overall product quality. If you’d like to learn more about how incorporating cloud PLM and desktop visualization software into a digital mockup addresses the challenges of the product design process, check out these links as well:

Visualization and Virtual Reality Blog Articles

Learn how real-time digital mockup design reviews can detect and resolve issues

Visualization, digital mockup, and virtual reality can help your team collaborate with 2D and 3D design data and make informed decisions.

Disclaimer: I am the author at PLM ECOSYSTEM, focusing on developing digital-thread platforms with capabilities across CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, and IT systems to manage the product data lifecycle and connect various industry networks. My opinions may be biased. Articles and thoughts on PLMES represent solely the author's views and not necessarily those of the company. Reviews and mentions do not imply endorsement or recommendations for purchase.

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