Plm Vietnam | Thanh PLM Tư Vấn Các Dịch Vụ CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM/IT Tại Việt Nam


SaaS PLM Acceleration Trends – PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Blog

The manufacturing industry is one of the last groups of businesses that are going to adopt SaaS and cloud technologies. Although cloud adoption started already a decade ago, unlike CRM, Marketing and Sales/Advertising, engineers and IT were very careful to bring cloud / SaaS to business. In my view, it…

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Cloud PLM Basics & Benefits

Are you considering cloud product lifecycle management (PLM) technology as a competitive advantage? With the world’s technology continuously increasing efficiency, the digital transformation of enterprises is more prevalent now than ever. The development of smart, connected products drives an increasingly complex product lifecycle, which calls for more advanced software solutions. What is Cloud Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)?

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How to Reuse your JT Data through Online 3D Visualization

Business Challenges & Objectives The engineering department is spending a lot of time providing a full product definition through 3D visualization. For downstream scenarios, you need to efficiently reuse this information. In addition, some of the information that you may need to tap into to provide concise information is present in homegrown systems. From a

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Data is a new oil. Unless you lived under a rock for the last few years, I’m sure you’ve heard this statement at least once. The data is indeed a source of much recent innovation and super-successful businesses in this world. If you can make data work for your business model, the sky’s the limit.

Hãy coi ERP là cơ thể và PLM là tâm trí của tổ chức bạn


PLM and ERP are the two most dominant enterprise systems for handling product information and product development process. Yet, the number of debates about their coexistence in manufacturing companies is endless. What is PLM for and why ERP only is not enough is one of the most popular. Both PLM and ERP vendors promote capabilities

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This time of the year is a great opportunity to reflect on multiple topics. My article last week – PLM System Architecture Evolution for Dummies generated many comments and discussions online and offline. Thank you very much- you helped me shape my next blog to talk about the fundamental piece of PLM solution – data architecture

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Making Connections for Digital Thread

APIs and data standards help PLM move forward and break down information silos. The ability of product lifecycle management (PLM) to deliver on the promise of digital thread depends on its capacity to integrate data of diverse types from divergent sources (Fig. 1). Fig. 1: A digital thread does not create value from data alone.

engineering data security

Has enabling remote work in this pandemic increased cyber threats for your engineering data?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many firms have moved to remote working arrangements that are based on remote access to systems and data that may be critical. Given the widespread shift to working remotely for a prolonged time, new and more cyber-attacks are increasing. For Engineering companies, their technology and intellectual property is the heart

Sức Mạnh Của SaaS Trong Tương Lai Của Quản Lý Vòng Đời Sản Phẩm (PLM)


SaaS is a topic of many debates in the PLM industry these days. Back in the 2010s, the question was if the “cloud” technologies work for manufacturing companies and CAD/PLM vendors will adopt it beyond testing and evaluation. Few articles back to that time. For example, Siemens IT was analyzing SaaS in their publications already


Best practices in complex shape design

SolidEdge combines traditional history-based tools and modern SynchronousTechnology to help you breakdown barriers and create complex shapes and products ???? Take a look at our E-book to find out how Siemens Solid Edge can transform your business: [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”browser”] Thanh PLMDon’t hesitate to contact Thanh for advice on automation solutions for CAD / CAM