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Six digital trends to watch for in 2021

In the last decade, digital transformation has certainly been on firms’ agendas. Not so much an urgent item, but a desirable one. The goal was usually quality, productivity, and improvements to the bottom line. In the last 12 months, the priority has shifted to the top. With the world upended by COVID-19, digital transformation has become

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Chuyển đổi số hay là chết, nhiều chuyên gia quả quyết. Nhưng có doanh nghiệp “số hóa” rồi vẫn không mấy khá hơn. Dẫu thích hay không, ta phải thừa nhận, giới công nghệ đã thành công rực rỡ. Từ cái xác của bong bóng dotcom, chỉ hai thập kỷ, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google và

cyber security reduce attack surface

Automation, automation and more automation

RPA, machine learning, AI, and more tools to automate your day While not quite at Matrix or Terminator levels yet, artificial intelligence (AI) and automated processes are increasingly vital to businesses at every level. Machines haven’t quite taken over the workforce. Still, automation, AI, robotic process automation (RPA), and machine learning are top of the list for increasing


Manufacturing 2021 – Perspectives on the Year Ahead

Zvi Feuer is senior vice president of Digital Manufacturing Software Solutions for Siemens Digital Industries Software. Digital Manufacturing Software develops software products to deliver world-class solutions for Manufacturing (Part & Assembly) planning, simulation, and validation and Operations (MES, Scheduling, Quality and automation). 2020: A reminder of the importance of good manufacturing. The month of December

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Logistics for one of the world’s greatest challenges

In record time, pharmaceutical companies have developed vaccines to protect humanity from the COVID-19 pandemic. How quickly and safely the vaccine doses are actually administered is primarily a question of logistics. Siemens Logistics has answers. The specialist for automation and digital integration offers vaccine manufacturers and logistics service providers IT solutions and top-class consulting able