Valor NPI | Thanh PLM Tư Vấn Các Dịch Vụ CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM/IT Tại Việt Nam

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What is the PCB Design Process? | Valor DFM Solutions

The PCB design process starts with a product idea and then becomes a manufacturable product this process has both serial paths and loops.

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What is New Product Introduction (NPI) and How Does it Apply to PCBs? | Valor DFM Solutions

The pace of PCB new product introductions has increased exponentially over the past few years – and with it the need for a proper NPI process. It’s not just that PCBs are used in more and more products across numerous industries; it’s also that more PCBs are needed in those products. For example, consider how many PCBs are used in even the lowest-end cars today versus how many were used years ago. As new-model cars become increasingly connected to online services, the need for PCBs will continue to grow….

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What is Design for Manufacturing? | Valor DFM Solutions

Design for Manufacturing is critical in the electronics industry to keep prices low and to facilitate the manufacturing process.