PLM | Thanh PLM Tư Vấn Các Dịch Vụ CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM/IT Tại Việt Nam

Chiến lược công nghệ chuyển đổi số, số hóa và số hóa quy trình, dữ liệu kinh doanh, tối ưu hóa và tự động hóa các hoạt động, quản lý dịch vụ khách hàng, internet và điện toán đám mây


A few years ago, “platformization:” was a hot term. CIMdata was sharing their study about the role of platforms in future PLM development. Check this out here – Product Innovation Platforms: Definition, Their Role in the Enterprise, and Their Long-Term Viability. Platforms CIMdata strategically defines a platform’s value to provide a vertical system managing data and


4 steps to move from Perpetual to Subscription license models (CAD, CAx, EDA, Simulation, PLM, etc.)

It seems like only yesterday that Perpetual licenses were the only method to purchase Engineering Software; paying a maintenance fee annually was the accepted practice. However, the creeping increase in annual maintenance costs, speed of IT transformation, and the wider adoption of cloud technologies with continuous software releases have made subscription models more attractive to budget

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PLM Visualization for Better Decisions

PLM Visualization tools can save you a lot of time and money as you develop your products — and keep you from making poor decisions because of visual barriers and inaccurate data. The world is watching – especially when an important call is blown.  Some bad calls can’t be helped, especially if you don’t have

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U.S. Air Force standardizes its product lifecycle management platform on Teamcenter

“Going faster is not just a tag line for us… it’s a dead serious business about keeping the Air Force competitive and dominant.” Dr. Will Roper Former Assistant Secretary, U.S. Air Force for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Quote from Dr. Roper’s presentation: Fielding Tomorrow’s Air Force Faster and Smarter The digital transformation is full speed

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Take the Fast Track with Teamcenter X SaaS PLM

Want to get up and running quickly with software-as-a-service product lifecycle management (SaaS PLM)? Discover Teamcenter X, the world’s most widely used PLM software that’s easy to use and easy to access. Success with SaaS PLM in the Cloud Find product information with ease. Manage MCAD and ECAD designs Manage product-related documents Manage the cross-domain

Tối Ưu Hóa Quản Lý Phiên Bản Linh Kiện: Góc Nhìn Từ PLM và ERP


The world is moving to platforms and cloud services. It sets an interesting trajectory in the development of enterprise applications and services. In the past world, siloes played a central role in the way enterprise applications were created. The old joke said that the enterprise software recipe was to take any piece of enterprise information

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-Data is fascinating and intriguing. You probably heard it before – data is a new oil. For the last two decades, we’ve seen a growing number of businesses built on top of data rationalization, turning data into the business value, making data easily accessible and available. You cannot ignore – it in the digital economy;

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Earlier this week, I shared my views about the future of data in PLM. Check this out here. Data is a foundational block for every organization, and it is an ultimate source of intelligence that can be used by manufacturing companies to improve their processes and products. Data is an interesting thing. Every person in a

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This time of the year is a great opportunity to reflect on multiple topics. My article last week – PLM System Architecture Evolution for Dummies generated many comments and discussions online and offline. Thank you very much- you helped me shape my next blog to talk about the fundamental piece of PLM solution – data architecture

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Helping Red Bull Racing Achieve Efficiency, Consistency, and Cost-effectiveness

To attract new teams and ensure the sport’s viability, Formula 1® is revising its rules. Cost caps are being introduced to enable closer competition between large and small teams and promote financial sustainability across the sport. The 2022 season will bring drastically different technical regulations for Red Bull Racing and other teams; these rule changes