Automate Production and Increase Flexibility with Robotics

Robotic Automation

NX CAM for Robotic Automation

Advanced robotics can improve your productivity by automating your part manufacturing operation – from a blank to a finished part.

Robotic machining provides more flexibility that can dramatically improve efficiency on the shop floor. Using  robotic automation, you can program robots to machine large parts and to automate machining tasks typically performed manually. This enables expanded machining capabilities, reduced cycle time, and improved part quality.

With NX, you can also program robots to perform pick-and-place operations, which allows you to drive fully automated workcells.

Discover the powerful features of advanced robotic automation.

Gain Flexibility with Robots for Machining

Program robots to perform precise machining tasks such as trimming, de-burring, grinding, and polishing. By using robotics to automate these tasks, you can improve accuracy, reduce costs, and increase flexibility.

Program Robots for Pick and Place Operations

Program Robots for Pick-and-Place Operations

Further automate your part manufacturing operation by using robots to perform pick-and-place tasks, including machine tending and tool loading. This allows extended unattended machining that can maximize your production capacity.

Use Robots to Automate Complete Production Workcells

You can boost your productivity by using automated workcells on the shop floor. Leverage the advanced capabilities of the latest robotics and CNC technology to automate your operations. With NX, you can program fully-automated workcells to perform robotic machine tending, tool loading, and CNC machining using one software.

Use Robots to Automate Complete Production Workcells


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Disclaimer: I am the author at PLM ECOSYSTEM, focusing on developing digital-thread platforms with capabilities across CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, and IT systems to manage the product data lifecycle and connect various industry networks. My opinions may be biased. Articles and thoughts on PLMES represent solely the author's views and not necessarily those of the company. Reviews and mentions do not imply endorsement or recommendations for purchase.