Amazon Honeycode

Low Code and No-Code Platforms are making its foray into Software Development and is rapidly growing in terms of ease of use and flexibility in building multi-window Applications. Low Code and No-Code platforms help us build Applications without any prior Programming knowledge with simple Visual Builder tools. Amazon jumps right into the game with the launch of its own No Code App Builder Platform Amazon Honeycode.

Honeycode specifically targets the Organizations which use Spreadsheets to manage projects or track project events. Spreadsheets are not meant for such tasks and can become cumbersome when collaboration between various teams and team members becomes a necessity. In such scenarios, some Organizations build a Custom Application which requires to be coded in a Programming Language. Honeycode eliminates both and provides a simple, easy to build Visual driven Application Development platform with Databases like Spreadsheet capability.

Amazon Honeycode Features

Database like Spreadsheet Capability

Set-up the data which the Application will use in the form of Tables. We have the option to import using a CSV or start from a scratch or an inbuilt template. We can also easily link and associate related data between different tables and visualizing this relationship. For example, we can link a Student Table to the Teachers Table based on common Department Data.

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Visual Driven App Model Builder

Once the data is set up, we can start building the Layout or the interface of the Application and add capabilities like Navigation Menu, Data Forms, Buttons, Tables, and so on. Honeycode also instantly previews the changes we make in Interface builder so we can see the look and feel of the Application as we are building it in both Web & Mobile.

Data Personalization and SOD

Ensure Data is protected from unwanted users by choosing what data is visible to each User on a need to know basis. For example: A Teacher of one Department will not able to see Students of other Department or a Student can only see the Tasks assigned to them.

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Workflow Automation

Convert Business Processes into smooth workflows and automate different events in the workflow. Trigger the workflow based on events and route the workflow to only the intended user. Create Forms, Build Approval process, Data Calculations and customize any workflow you want. These workflows also update and keep the intended members in loop by automatic E-mail Notifications or Mobile App Notifications whenever the data is modified.


Once the Application is completely built, we can invite any team members via E-mail invitation to start utilizing the Application and work together. The Data modification and workflows are in sync between all users whenever there is a change and the updates are cascaded immediately to all invited users.

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Access anywhere, anytime

The Application is built once without any Programming Code and can be accessed on a Web-Browser (WebApp), Android & iOS (Mobile Apps). Any changes made to the App interface or the Data Model in the Visual Builder is immediately reflected to all Users across all Platforms and multi-screen devices after Publishing.

To-Do Task App

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aws todo task mobile


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Disclaimer: I am the author at PLM ECOSYSTEM, focusing on developing digital-thread platforms with capabilities across CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, and IT systems to manage the product data lifecycle and connect various industry networks. My opinions may be biased. Articles and thoughts on PLMES represent solely the author's views and not necessarily those of the company. Reviews and mentions do not imply endorsement or recommendations for purchase.