Teamcenter X | Thanh PLM Tư Vấn Các Dịch Vụ CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM/IT Tại Việt Nam

saas platforms

The Misconception of SaaS and Cybersecurity | Siemens Xcelerator

Having security for an on-premises solution can give a false sense of security and be pricey. Read more about SaaS cybersecurity explained.

PLM, ERP, và MES là ba đỉnh của một tam giác

How To Move Beyond Debates About What Comes First PLM or ERP?

It is no secret that PLM (product lifecycle management) and ERP systems are two of the most important systems within any manufacturing organization. Both systems play a critical role in managing product data and operations, but which system should come first? For years, the Enterprise Resource Planning implementation priority line…

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Digital Transformation, Engineers, and BOM Excel Paradox

Although many manufacturers still rely heavily on document-based Bill of Materials (BOM) Excel files, the days of these archaic systems and processes are numbered. While managing BOMs using Excel and spreadsheet files is widely popular, they also come with a host of disadvantages that can negatively impact a manufacturer’s operations….

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Connect your PLM to ERP with a single click

Duro is a platform designed to empower hardware engineers to spend less time administrating product data and more time developing and producing innovative products.

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Why PLM must come before ERP

Duro is a platform designed to empower hardware engineers to spend less time administrating product data and more time developing and producing innovative products.

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2022 Teamcenter 14.1 New Capabilities | Teamcenter

Spring 2022 Teamcenter 14.1 release – we introduce several new capabilities! Read on to find out more about the enhancements.

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When Is The Right Time To Change Your PLM System?

Most manufacturing companies have to select a PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system sooner or later. The decision is not easy, because there are many factors to consider. Many organizations are missing the difference between PLM application (or software platform) and PLM system. The first one is software coming from a…

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Digital Transformation, PLM Web Services, and Inverted Business Models

Manufacturing is under pressure. Increasing global competition and the need to reduce manufacturing costs are putting pressure on companies to find new ways to produce products. At the same time, customers are demanding ever-higher quality products with shorter lead times. Digital transformation is on everyone’s mind in the manufacturing business…

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The Future of PLM Data Modeling – RDF/OWL vs SQL?

How do you envision the future of PLM data modeling? In my earlier posts, I was talking about some of the trends that are happening in PLM architecture and technologies these days. If you missed them, here are some of the links to them. A growing role of data in…


TeamViewer and Siemens to innovate in the Product Lifecycle Management space with Augmented and Mixed Reality solutions

The new strategic partnership with Siemens Digital Industries Software brings the power of TeamViewer’s enterprise AR platform Frontline to Siemens’ Teamcenter® software, a leading Product Lifecycle Management solution